Liquidity and Tokenomics
Supply Total Supply: 10,000,000,000 Initial Circulating 10,000,000,000 Liquidity 🔥 Burned after liquidity is added.
🔒 LP 51%: We’ve allocated 51% of the liquidity pool to ensure stability and trust in the market.
🔒LP Locked 1 Year:
🔰 Locked Token | NO Private Sale | Fee 0% | Our tokens are locked, there’s no private sale, and we offer zero transaction fees. We've also revoked minting rights and implemented anti-freeze measures for enhanced security.
🪂Airdrop Early Investor
Part 1: Airdrop for Investors
Contract Address: C9TK5usJCVHr6qLsic1Mex7G39FJa4HT342LJ2Z8kuye
Token Name: Book Of Meme Cat
Token Symbol: BOMC
NO FEE 0% Buy/Sell Taxes
Mint: Disabled
Freeze: Disabled
Last updated